Wondering How To Make Your Fall Activities For Preschoolers Rock?

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Fall Season Represents….

 Fall season is not just a change in seasons. This season and the fall activities that come with it are an opportunity for family togetherness, the season for tradition, the season to harvest and to start over.

The previous fall season my kiddos were too little to appreciate any fun and creative fall activity so I made little effort to make it a special time.

However, this year I have taken my husbands lead as fall is his favorite season. I have definitely made more of an effort to see autumn through his eyes this year. The children are older now so it is time to kick it into gear and establish fun fall activities for the Family. Don’t get me wrong. I still plan to take the easy and less stressful planning route. We mommas are always looking for amazing resources for teaching your early learners holistically.

Fun fall activities to encourage family togetherness and a free resource for toddler learning. Enjoy new family traditions!

The current pandemic has put a damper on my creative juices but I will not be deterred. My family started the fall season with a beautiful trip to the apple orchard. The excitement from this event sparked the kids interest in nature, apple trees, colorful leaves and life cycle. I could not have had a better source of inspiration.

My goal of this resource is to give mommas fun and easy activities that will engage your kiddos and keep them thriving and happy.

With toddlers every moment of the day needs to be occupied in order to provide structure, order, consistency, and sanity for parents.  Use these fall activities with your preschooler and family. I hope these activities can become a part of your fall family tradition each year.

What Do You Teach Preschoolers In The Fall Season

You can not go wrong with using themes. Preschoolers are inquisitive and observant, all of which can be used to explore the changes that occur in the fall.

Please enjoy these free fall resources to help entertain your child during the fall season.

How Do You Teach Fall To Preschoolers Using Fall Activities

Fall Activities: Themes


Fall Activities
Fall Activities
Fall Activities


Fall Activities
Fall Activities
Fall Activities


Fall Activities

Life Cycles

Fall Activities For Preschoolers

Apple Picking Scavenger Hunt Baking Apple Pie Play In Leaf Pile

The Spirit of Fall Season

This season brings everyone together and makes you appreciate those whom you are close to and more grateful for the time able to be spent with family.  The fall season is known for bringing families together.


The leaves changing, the weather cooling, and family making preparations for Thanksgiving day are indicative of the fall season approaching. There’s nothing more warming to my heart then being able to spend precious time with family.

Let’s not forget the brilliant shades of red, yellow, and oranges that put on a show for all to see during the fall season. Your little ones who enjoy colors will definitely see many different eye catching shades, especially if you live in northern states.

Also, what a great time to get dressed in your cozy attire and take those precious fall family photos.

Family Togetherness

My children having an opportunity to experience family togetherness is not only important but necessary to their development. Knowing that their tribe is more than just the people who live in their home is important.

Fall traditions serve an important role in creating new memories, laughing and playing with those you love.

This year will be different due to the pandemic, however, technology has made it possible to stay connected. 

Fall Activities


Fall can be known for a season of renewal. Maybe even a time to reflect on the year that is coming to a close soon. Giving thanks and being grateful brings recognition helps to build a foundation of graciousness. More than ever this is the time to practice expressing gratitude and thankfulness.

Our children will be more equipped to mentally and emotionally handle difficult moments when we as parents can express healthy emotions and recognize the pits and the peek of any situation.

It is important to plant the seed for the beautiful harvest to come. This comes by learning how to recognize a positive which can act as a motivator to propel you forward. Teaching this practice to little ones can be tied into your fall activities as you explore new family traditions for the fall.  


Change is inevitable. Teaching change to preschoolers using the lifecycle of leaves, apples,  and other popular fall staples can be the best example to teach the concept. 

This season brings everyone together and makes you appreciate those who are close to you, unfortunately, for many change means something totally different entirely. While this pandemic continues I am saddened for those who have lost their loved ones and have to adjust to this unfortunate change.

Fall Takeaway and Fall Gift

This season brings many together and is a time for reflection. The ultimate goal is to help mommas out there identify potential traditions that can help you, as a family, see the beauty in the environment around you and the beauty in each other.

Please enjoy this fall gift as you enjoy your family this fall season

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