What Is Creative Expression In Early Childhood

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Creative expression in early childhood is a toddler learning the extent of their abilities through play and different forms of art. Forms of art include music, drawing, writing or scribbling, dancing, building. Exploring their creative abilities in a space that is open and encouraging can positively influence how a child sees themselves. Creative expression provides a positive outlet of feelings without saying anything, and encourages the testing of ideas.

Creative Expression is a child's way of testing ideas and exploring interest. Find out why creative expression is important for toddlers.

Why Creative Expression Is important

Children are creative and can create an entire world around their imagination. They are able to express themselves freely. Children are generally self motivated but are especially encouraged by their parents. This support makes any artistic expression more enjoyable whether it be stomping and dancing to music, creating art work, creating with legos, or gluing to paper. You can gain great insight into a child’s unique world and personality.

Types Of Creative Expression

Creativity & Play

Children are imaginative and creative naturally. Often children take on characters, family members in their lives, or brand new characters created from their own imagination. Children can do and be anything in their own pretend play world. Self perspective grows especially when other children are apart of their imaginative play. What you can expect to see…

  • Acting out social roles they see around them.
  • Practice social skills
  • Practice communication skills
  • Acting out emotions and practice problem solving while in imaginative play
  • Develop a perception of themselves in a safe space.
swing, playground, swinging

Creative Expression & Movement

Children need to be active which can also come through play. More specifically children engage in rough and tumble play which mimics aggression but is really fun chasing, wrestling, and heavy handed touch. There is no intent of harm during play. Often you see the children laughing and smiling. Children use great self control while under supervision of their caregivers. But keep in mind children are able to monitor their self control themselves ‘to a certain extent’. Why is movement important:

  • Develop muscle, strength, control
  • Use of active imaginative play
  • It is fun and teaches how to establish and maintain relationships
  • Practice social skills
  • Use gross motor skills (large body movements like running)

Creative Expression & Artistic Activity

Children have a unique perception of their artistic creations. To you and a picture of mom, dad, and sibling look alike but asking questions about the picture can divulge so much into the thinking of a child. What is important?

  • hand-eye coordination (fine motor skills: small body movements)
  • connecting circles, lines, dots
  • Through art you can see the growth and maturity in a child through different stages
chalk drawing, celestial body, school material

Creative Expression & Music

Howard Gardner, developmental psychologist, believes there are eight distinct intelligences. One form of intelligence is musical abilities. When a child shows musical abilities and it is nurtured it can evolve. Introducing music to children early can improve memory and problem solving.

piano, musical instrument, piano keyboard

Creating A Space For Healthy Self Expression

I have many photos of my toddlers taking photos with boxes on their heads and being as silly as they can be. They are free to humor themselves in this way because they have no worries of appearing foolish. They don’t think about how others perceive them. Toddlers are becoming self aware and become intrigued by they own facial expression and features. When this awareness takes place it is something to be protected because self awareness is associated with how they see themselves.

How Parents Can Support Self Expression

Verbal Encouragement

Provide opportunities to explore creative interest

Listen & process

Read about interest

Early Childhood Education

Parents are the first teachers to our children and we have an impact into their learning. In deciding early learning we hope to find good education that incorporates creativity in the curriculum. Check out a couple of approaches I incorporate into my kiddos early education while at home. For more insight into early learning you can see amazing resources for teaching early learners holistically.


Maria Montessori started nursery schools for poor children in Rome. She believed children thrive with structured independence and individualized projects. The focus is on accomplishment and pride in self.


This curriculum encourages artistic expression, exploring the environment and collaboration between parent and teacher. The focus is on individualized and creative learning. This approach originated in Italy.


As the parents of small human beings it can be overwhelming trying to assure our children have every opportunity to be creative and explore their abilities in a nurturing environment. It is important to know that toddlers are easily entertained all by themselves. Their imagination alone can create stories and creations outside of our own realm of understanding. All that we really need to do as parents is to provide opportunities and exposure to new experiences. Your child will inevitably find his or her place and interest.

Click here to see a holistic approach to early education

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